Un-choreographing the Drawing

15/2/2023 / skopduyuru


The Dirty Drawings Wednesday Talks have been organized by Bilge Bal and hosted by Istanbul Kent University since Spring 2022. The no.2 series of four inter/national lectures and two workshops will occur between December 2022 and March 2023.

Architectural drawing has traditionally had great difficulty in depicting the landscape. Architectonic techniques are better suited to static forms and individual authorship than to the fluid, complex and collaborative interactions that comprise a landscape.To truly engage with environmental and ecological processes, and to move away from human-centric design thinking, we need to consider more intrinsically landscape-led approaches to drawing. Approaches that embrace performance and change, that emerge from physical interactions with sites, and that relinquish control.

'Un-choreographing the Drawing' invites you on a walk across unknown drawing terrains, through a series of personal drawing expeditions that embrace detours, take scenic routes, get lost and engage with intuition. Drawings that journey across the Japanese mountains, remote Scottish Highlands and Canadian old-growth Forests. Drawings that ask what it could look like to truly design in democratic dialogue with the landscape, and to invite environments to draw their own futures.

#03 Kirsty Badenoch (Design Tutor at The Bartlett UCL / Associate Director and Head of Research at Periscope)

“Un-choreographing the Drawing”

February 15, 2023, 19.00 (GMT+3, Istanbul)

via Zoom

Meeting ID: 879 2445 8992

Passcode: 196498

Dirty Drawings Wednesday Talks no.2 – #03 Kirsty Badenoch