The Spectacle 2.0: Reading Debord in the Context of Digital Capitalism

22/12/2017 / skopduyuru

Spectacle 2.0, Debord'un gösteri kuramını 21. yüzyıl dijital kapitalizmi çerçevesinde ele alıyor. Debord’un 1960’ların sonunda ortaya attığı ve 1990’larda tekrar döndüğü “gösteri” kavramını yeniden değerlendirerek, çağdaş bilişim kapitalizmi ve dijital emek bağlamında yorumluyor. Spectacle 2.0, medya ve emek çalışmaları alanındaki eleştirel literatüre önemli bir katkı sağlıyor.


Preface: Guy Debord, Donald Trump, and the Politics of the Spectacle

Douglas Kellner

Introduction: From the Notion of Spectacle to Spectacle 2.0: The Dialectic of Capitalist Mediations

Marco Briziarelli & Emiliana Armano

The Integrated Spectacle: Towards Aesthetic Capitalism

Vanni Codeluppi

Guy Debord, a Critique of Modernism and Fordism: What Lessons for Today?

Olivier Frayssé

The Spectacle of New Media: Addressing the Conceptual Nexus Between User Content and Valorization

Raffaele Sciortino & Steve Wright

Spectacle and the Singularity: Debord and the ‘Autonomous Movement of Non-Life’ in Digital Capitalism

Clayton Rosati

Rio de Janeiro: Spectacularization and Subjectivities in Globo’s city

Barbara Peccei Szaniecki

Data Derives: Confronting Digital Geographic Information as Spectacle

Jim Thatcher & Craig M. Dalton

Branding, Selfbranding, Making: The Neototalitarian Relation Between Spectacle and Prosumers in the Age of Cognitive Capitalism

Nello Barile

Tin Hat Games – Producing, Funding, and Consuming an Independent Role-Playing Game in the Age of the Interactive Spectacle

Chiara Bassetti et al.

‘Freelancing’ as Spectacular Free Labour: A Case Study on Independent Digital Journalists in Romania

Romina Surugiu

Immaterial Labour and Reality TV: The Affective Surplus of Excess

Jacob Johanssen

Disrupting the Spectacle: The Case of Capul TV During and After Turkey’s Gezi Uprising

Ergin Bulut & Haluk Mert Bal


The Spectacle 2.0: Reading Debord in the Context of Digital Capitalism, (ed.) Marco Briziarelli, Emiliana Armano, University of Westminster Press 2017